Monday, May 7, 2012

Croatia part II

Part two then.. or day two!

The second day in Zadar was also great! Weather stayed the same which was awesome. Kleinspitzes would be judged by Mr. Srecko Kukic from Hungary . The same dogs were entered as yesterday plus one Russian klein. And a thing I shouldn't write here - but I guess I'm dumb and I do that. But the Russian "klein" was definitely no kleinspitz but pomeranian. The dog's sister competed in pomerainians.. I hate when they in Russia and some European countries can change the breed from pomeranian to kleinspitz if it happens that the dog grows over 22 cm. A big pomeranian is no kleinspitz for sure! It's such a shame when they do like that..

Well, we see lots of these "pom-kleins" in central Europe and I bet Nelli and Ninja has some poms also far behind in their pedigree, but it shouldn't be allowed to do a criss-cross mix of these two breeds.


Judging started and Ninja was first in turn, got EXC/1 and a CAC as there was 1 CAC for each class winner. Nelli got also EXC/1 and CAC. In the competition for the CACIB Ninja won over Nelli, so Nelli had to settle with the RES-CACIB again :) Nelli is the one who needs it, if she would get the last CACIB she would be C.I.B. But no, her daughter takes it always from right in front of her..

Nelli on the table ♥
© Fleurianne Bernard

In the BOB-competition the Russian klein took the highest award.


Nelli's critique:
Excellent size. Good body. Nice head. Scissor bite. Good top- and underline. Good angulations and fine when stacked. Good movement.
Ninja's critique:
2 years. Nice size. In great condition. Good head. Scissor bite. Nice proportions of the body. Nice angulations. Nice stack. Correct movement. Excellent quality of the coat.

A little too hot for our girls..

Now, again it was time to search for a junior handling-dog. The owners of the French kleins had many australian shepherds too, so I took a chance and asked for one. It was okay, and I trained with a lovely tricolor aussie - Cau Fosca Here Ace Of Clover "Ace". It went really great and I was really happy because I just love aussies! Some day I will have one of my own too..

4th place in junior handling!

So we went to the junior handling and some woman judged, can't remember her name unfortunately.. There were about 15 junior handlers today. The judge asked for a triangle. It went really great, "Ace" did really great work! It's really hard for many dogs that aren't used to this kind of warmth.. We managed to get 4th place today! Great! Thanks Vanessa for lending "Ace" for me.

Training with "Ace"
© Vanessa Soler

As we went "home" then after the junior handling, we took a walk by the beautiful sea and took some pictures. It was like being on a holiday on the Canary Islands.. But better :-)

Nelli with the beautiful Adriatic Sea behind

Ninja pictured with the Adriatic Sea in the background
"Paris Hilton" :p
Ninja ♥

♥ Hilde ♥

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